I formulated this hair growth jam for myself after going natural over 13 years ago. After giving up relaxers, I became more conscious of the things that I was putting in/on my hair. Being an Herbalist, I understand the importance of being aware of what you are putting on your skin because it gets ingested into your system, so living by the motto "If you can't eat it, don't put it on the skin" I began to read countless ingredient lists on popular hair care products that after finding out what some of those ingredients were, I wasn't comfortable with applying to my scalp knowing that my precious brain tissue was underneath and also giving my hair a break from the countless relaxers that had been applied to my hair. I know that some people feel that it is taboo to apply "hair grease" to the scalp because of them thinking it can clog your pores, but that is not true. Everybody's hair requires different needs and my hair flourishes when I moistuirze my scalp and seal my hair with Nurturing Naturals Hair Growth Jam.
The herbs and oils in our formula are very soothing and healing to the scalp while also moisturizing plus acting as a sealant, and by the way smells divine. Not scented with fake perfumes or unnatural chemical scents but Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus that you can see and smell in our product.
Depending on your hair, you won't need to apply daily plus it will also kill any bacteria or fungus that is on the scalp as well. The essential oils blend we use in our jam is very cooling to the scalp to allow much needed blood circulation to the head area. We are aware that new healthy hair follicles starts from within but this jam is for moisturization and healthy hair maintenance. Ideal for natural, pressed or relaxed hair
Ingredients: Neem herb, Rosemary herb, Peppermint herb, Comfrey root, Nettles, Horsetail, Fenugreek, Avocado oil, Olive oil, castor oil, local and organic grass-fed to finish tallow, pure essential oils blend, and Pure unfiltered beewax-----No Petroleum just Pure!
Also availabe in an 8oz. family size!
patent pending